Sandy Eggo Runner
I am a quarter of a century old, recently engaged, beginning runner who is training for her first half marathon!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Upcoming Races
Sunday, August 28th- 8am- 4 mile End of Summer Fire Run- My plan called for a 5K, but what's an extra .9 miles?!
Sunday, September 25th- 8am- AIDS 10K Run
Sunday, October 30th- Rock N Roll LA 1/2 Marathon
Sunday, January 22nd- 7:30am- Carlsbad 1/2 Marathon
I want to check out Holiday races between my 2nd and 3rd half, but will probably wait until my 2nd half is over to figure that out! I love having things planned, so I can look forward to them and now I am excited for these new race distances (4 miler and 10K) coming up!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Summer heat

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A to Z
hey! I haven’t blogged in forever because I haven’t ran once since the half marathon. I made this blog to document my {slow} times and with the lack of running, I haven’t felt the need to come here and document my other workouts. Here's a quick rundown though:
Week ending 6/18:
Tuesday: Boot Camp
Wednesday: Hot Yoga
Saturday: Boot Camp
Week ending 6/25:
Tuesday: Pilates
Wednesday: Hot Yoga
Thursday: Boot Camp
Saturday: I plan to go to Boot Camp again!
I found this fun little A to Z survey that I thought would be something fun for my imaginary readers to learn a little more about me!
A - Age: 25.
B - Bed size: Queen- Would LOVE a KING!
C - Chore you hate: Dishes and the worst is that my fiance hates them too!
D - Dad’s Name: Dallas
E - Essential start to your day: Breakfast. I always wake up hungry
F - Favorite actress and actor: none? I really don’t care about celebrities- is that weird?
G - Gold or Silver: White Gold
H - Height: 5’7″
I - Instruments you play(ed): none
J – Job title: Collections Lead
K - Kid(s): Let’s get married first
L - Living arrangements: tiny 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with an amazing view!
M - Mom’s name: Alison
N - Nicknames: Critle, Babe- Crystal is pretty hard to turn into a nickname
O - Overnight hospital stays other than birth: July 2009- worst night ever
P - Pet Peeves: sucking and teeth clanking noises
Q - Quotes you like: There is a pretty long one that is my desktop picture right now. It says “This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel Often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating. Life is short. Live your dream, and wear your passion.”
R - Right or left-handed: Right
S - Siblings: Younger brother, DJ and Younger sister, Chante
T - Time you wake up: Usually between 5:30 and 6:30
V - Vegetable you dislike: Celery
W - Ways you run late: My finace- haha!
X - X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, Back, Hand
Y - Yummy food you make: Simple things! Usually sides, when he BBQs
Z - Zodiac: Libra
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Recovery Week
Alternately Titled: LAZY WEEK!
I was pretty sore on Monday and more sore on Tuesday. I finally attempted to stretch and foam roll on Tuesday night. I also took Wednesday off. On Thursday I tried Pilates for the first time ever! It was really hard- in at not sweaty at all kind of way. It was similar to lifting weights, but different. I was sore on Friday and Saturday. I felt like I should’ve ran this weekend, but took off because my fiance was off. He works 2 Saturdays and then gets one off, so it is pretty much one Saturday a month that he gets off. We spent the day checking out 3 different wedding venues and enjoying both lunch and dinner out. We tried El Indio (seen on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives) because we saw that they offering catering at one of the places that we are interested in. The food was good, but I feel like it is similar to the Mexican food in our neighborhood and probably not wedding good. Saturday night we went to the Padres game because I got a free ticket for any game in June from the Rock and Roll- and his ticket was 25% off- so including fees it was $13.75! Cheaper than a movie date! The best part was that it was free hat night! Here are two pictures from my NEW iphone!
Rally Caps- Unfortunately we lost!
I’m hoping to get off the lazy train next week and back on track with 4-5 workouts a week. I’m planning to use some Groupons that I have for bootcamp, pilates and yoga in the next 2 months before starting my next training plan for my 2nd half marathon which is the LA RnR on October 30th!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Rock and Roll SD- My First Half Marathon
I set the alarm for 4:30 and left the house just before 5, so I took my breakfast in the car with me. 2 slices of wheat bread with White Chocolate Wonderful Peanut Butter and banana. I actually only ate about half of the second slice because of pre-race nerves!
Pre race smile- I wanted to put on mascara, but my fiance talked me out of it!
Getting to the start line was a fiasco! The freeway was the worst traffic that I have ever seen at 5:30 in the morning!! We missed the exit off the 5 freeway for being dropped off, which was Kettner/ Laurel. We went to the next exit, Sassafras, and basically weren’t moving at all. Everyone was jumping out of the car to just walk to the start line, so we decided to do the same. Laurel was a HUGE hill to hike up just to get to the start line. We got to Balboa park around 6:05 and got in line for the porta potties.
The porta potty lines were RIDICULOUS! At one point, they came to us in line and tried to convince us just to get out of line and start the race because they were already on coral 20! We suffered through because we really had to go. Of course there was NO toilet paper when we finally got to the front! After the almost hour long line- we ran to the start line and started with coral 30, just after 7am!
Finally at the start!
Megan and I – both sportin the blue!
Tried to get the start in the background- NICE- I hid my double chin!
I loved this sign RIGHT when we started “ONLY 26 MORE MILES TO GO”. Megan is much faster than me, but I managed to stay with her for the first mile!
It was so cool to see the waves of people!
First Band!
Here are my splits:
Mile 1- 11:01
Mile 2- 11:42
Mile 3- 11:27
Mile 4- 11:07
Mile 5- 12:28
Mile 6- 12:27
Mile 7- 11:08- down hill!
Mile 8- 12:10
Mile 9- 13:06- hit the wall hard
Mile 10- 13:19
Mile 11- 13:08
Mile 12- 14:10
Mile 13- 13:35
.32- 11:53
Total of 13:32- 2:44:44- 12:21 average pace
I really hit the wall hard at mile 9. I had no motivation to keep running and consistently took way too many walking breaks. It was hot with little wind and my face got really sun burnt. I regret not wearing a hat and/or sunscreen. I was really hoping for a marine layer and there was nothing! The sun was beating down on me from the very start! Overall everything was a learning lesson and I’m happy that I at least finished! I know next time that I have to get their earlier because I could’ve really benefited from running with a pace group (my original plan). All lessons learned!
I did it!!!! First Medal EVER!
Me with good friend Buket and Lauren
With my Momma- I was very happy that she found me right away post race! Especially since my phone was acting up!
With My Fiance- He’s proud of my medal!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Rock and Roll San Diego Race Expo
Here is a quick recap on the Race Expo and I’ll be back tomorrow night to recap the race in full detail. The SD RnR Race Expo was hosted at the SD Convention Center. They recommended that locals come to the event on Friday to avoid the crowds.
I went to the Expo with my friend Megan- who also ran her first half marathon! The person that took this picture cut off the countdown, so we asked her to take another and my eyes are shut!
I didn’t end up buying at anything at the expo, but enjoyed a few of the free samples! I love having the samples in my desk at work for snacks! I should’ve taken a picture of my loot. I got 2 mini Lara bars- Carrot Cake and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough; 2 packs of Sport Beans; a sample of Laura Scudders Peanut Butter; Degree motionSENSE deodorant; full size Odwalla Chocolate Chip Peanut; Cascadian Farm Organic dark chocolate almond granola; Nutrilite ROC20. I think that’s it—not too many!
Megan bought me this beer for $1, since I didn’t have any cash! I was supposed to get one of these at the finish line too- but never made it over. I heard that the line was atrociously long!
Overall the expo was really fun and I loved seeing many of the brands that I have bought through blog reading. I saw Mission (love their sweat proof sunscreen), SPIbelt (and they gave me free toggles for my bib number), and Sweaty Bands (I asked why my super mini skinny one won’t stay on my head). I also sampled a ton of products there which ruined my dinner appetite!